Well, definitely not my first ever, as I held a number of blogs throughout my teenage years… but I’ve coded this one mainly by myself! And I’m writing it on Logseq??? Thank you Shiva for helping me out with all of it.
Well, now I can waffle on about whatever I so please. And I most certainly will. I sometimes consume media about the internet back when I was young and I find having a personal blog so interesting, a place on the internet that someone made by themselves, instead of being mediated by a social media. Or even social medias like tumblr or livejournal. So this was all a driver to creating this blog. I’m not sure who will read it, as it’s not swimming in a sea of roughly 60 second videos, but I don’t mind. Maybe someone can stumble across it and enjoy it, but probably not because no way am I going to make it seo optimised.
I know right now I’m just rambling, and that’s fine, but I do plan to write about lots of things on here, probably to do with my hobbies and academic interests. I think that this is enough of a post right now (as I’m still doing some configuring with the blog) but that should be all good! I will insert a photo from wikimedia commons though, for fun (and testing).
Herons are one of my favourite animals!