So, today was the day! I’ve graduated from the BSc program in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at Leiden University in the Netherlands. These three years were amazing, and I’ve learnt so much. In these years, I’ve had the opportunity to expand my interests in so many areas, such as material culture, feminist anthropology, and science and technology studies. This all culminated in my thesis, which you can read more about in other places on my website!
I also had the opportunity to go on a semester exchange to the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia. It was a very eye-opening experience for me, and I look back on it with a lot of joy. I hope to visit the ANU again some day, if not just to see Canberra and my friends who still live in that area!
Being able to study so much interdisciplinary over these last three years has really been amazing for me. Through both my exchange and my honours in the humanities, I had the opportunity to explore so much outside of anthropology. I learnt about botany, museuology, sociolinguistics, indigenous studies, pacific studies, and literary studies. It has really showed me how applicable anthropology and ethnography are to so many different areas of study.
Now, I officially have a bachelor’s degree. But if you keep up with this website, you may know I already have started studying towards my MSc in Global Ethnography, also at Leiden University. My thesis, being supervised by Elsa Charelèy, will be about knitting machine hackers’ relationships with technology, craft, history, and stereotypical social expectations.
I’m excited for what is next!!